If you decide to change your broadband provider to another provider, be warned that your old broadband provider may charge you to keep your email account, or you risk them closing your email account following the move. In-turn losing access to all your historic data and emails in the process
For example, with Virgin you get 90 days after giving notice., with BT 60 days before they remove your account or charge you for keeping your email address and account.
Ideally you should not set up your own email address with your broadband provider otherwise you are going to have this issue forever. Changing your email address to e.g. Microsoft Outlook or a Google Gmail address may help save a small fortune in the long run.
How to change your email - You're always going to find it difficult to move but bite the bullet and decide today that you're going to set up, let's say a Gmail account. Start telling everyone you know to email you on Gmail. Auto-forward your current email address to Gmail so that it sends it to your new email address, and you should always reply from there.
Do that for a couple of months until you're pretty sure about everything then leave your provider This gives you an extra 60-90 days grace usually (check that). After that you then have the flexibility to move and everyone has your new email address.
Changing providers could save you up to £300 per year, rising to £1,000 within a few years by going to the cheapest provider each time.
Break that habit of allowing your provider to lock you in by keeping your email account and go with a free Outlook or Gmail one.
For further info contact Craig at Holme Start Computers